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This page allows you to conduct a detailed search on opportunities.

To view the whole list of opportunities and do a simple search, click Search.

To view opportunities by category, click View by Category.

To view opportunities by agency, click View by Agency.



You may enter keyword(s) that describe the item you are searching for.
CATEGORY You may select more than one category from the menu list. Select a category from which your item may belong to by clicking a category. Your selection will then be highlighted. To select several categories, hold down the Ctrl key and click on selected categories. To select all categories, click on the first category, scroll to the end of the list and hold down the Shift key while clicking on the last category.

You may select more than one area/region from the menu list. Select an area/region from which your item may belong to by clicking an area/region. Your selection will then be highlighted. To select several areas/regions, hold down the Ctrl key and click on selected areas/regions. To select all areas/regions, click on the first category, scroll to the end of the list and hold down the Shift key while clicking on the last area/region.

PUBLISH RANGE You may enter the publish range in MM/DD/YYYY format. You may also use the calendar icon to select dates.
MUST HAVE You may enter keyword(s) that must appear in the item you are searching for.


You may enter keywords(s) that must not appear in the item you are searching for.


Click on the Search button and all the relevant records will be retrieved according to the search criteria.