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This page provides an overview of a bid notice.

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REFERENCE NUMBER Refers to a system-generated number unique to each bid notice and increments to the next running number. The reference number is generated once the basic notice information is created and saved in Notice Creation.


Refers to any branch, department, office, agency or instrumentality of the government including SUCs, GOCCs, GFIs and LGU procuring Goods, Infrastructure Projects and Consulting Services.
TITLE Refers to the Title of the notice/s created and/or posted in the system. The information entered in this field should be a brief but specific representation of the item/s or project/s to be procured. Can accommodate 50 characters.

Refers to where the procuring entity wants the goods or items purchased delivered. For Goods-Area of Delivery; For Civil Works/Consulting Services-Location.


A printer icon and "Printable Version" phrase is displayed on the page. Clicking on one of them would bring the user to the preview page displaying all the Bid Notice Abstract information.


A user-defined control/tracking number assigned to each bid notice by the Agency publishing the notice in order to identify the notice with an internal tracking number. The solicitation number may contain any number or combination of numbers, letters or special characters and does not have to be unique.


Identifies the procurement guidelines or trade agreements that will govern the bidding process for the notice being advertised. For GOP funded notices, the "Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A.9184 will apply.

For the procurement funded by MDBs i.e. Worldbank (WB) and Asian Development Bank (ADB), this should be either "ADB/WB Procurement Guidelines" or "WB/ADB Guidelines in the use of consultants"


A Procurement Method that an agency may undertake as mandated under R.A. 9184. As a general rule, all procurement shall be done through competitive bidding, except as enunciated in Section 48 of the IRRs of R.A.9184 which provides for "Alternative Methods of Procurement.

For bids funded by the MDBs i.e. ADB and WB, the procurement modes are "Public Bidding" for National Competitive Bidding(NCB), "International Competitive Bidding (ICB) or "Shopping".


Refers to the type of item/s being procured as classified under RA9184. These types are "Goods and Goods - General Support Services", "Infrastructure Projects" and "Consulting Services".


A general classification of goods, works and services that are usually bought by government agencies.


For procurement funded by the Government of the Philippines, the budget refers to the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) duly approved by the Head of the Procuring entity as defined in Sec. 5a of RA 9184. The ABC is a mandatory field and must be greater than zero (0). For procurement funded by MDBs - WB and ADB, the budget will refer to the Estimated Budget for the Contract and is non-mandatory i.e. could be zero (0).


Refers to the period given to a successful bidder to deliver the goods or items to the procuring entity effective from receipt thereof of the Notice to Proceed. The value will be calculated in calendar day/s, month/s and year/s. For Goods-Delivery Period; for Civil Works/Consulting Services-Contract Duration.


Identifies the agency/regional office/bureau/district office or attached agency of the buyer organization for which the bidding is being conducted for. A central office may manage the procurement notices being published in PhilGEPS for any sub-organizations or bureaus within its organization structure provided these organizations are also registered in the system and associated to the central (or parent) organization. When the Select link is clicked, the default page is the Sub- Organizations List of the parent organization. If the agency does not maintain any sub-organization/s, the Select link will not be available. The Procurement Service may manage bid notices and conduct bidding on behalf of any agency listed in the buyer directory.


Refers to either the Buyer or Buyer Coordinator who is/are the registered representative/s of the organization. Default value is the profile of the currently logged-in user creating the notice.

He/She may also opt to select a contact person from the Organization Contact List when he/she is posting notice/s for procurement projects on behalf of a registered contact whose access to the system is limited to viewing/browsing only.

When he/she clicks the Contacts icon, the Organization Contact List window is displayed. A contact is selected by clicking on the corresponding Select radio button. Click Submit button to proceed.

If a sub-organization is selected as the procuring entity, the list of contacts will be changed accordingly. The name, designation, address, phone number, fax number and email of the contact person are captured in this field.


Refers to the status of the bid notice whether "In Preparation", "Pending", "Active", "Closed", "Shortlisted", "Awarded", Failed" and "Cancelled" . In Preparation - means the bid notice created in still in draft form. This can be viewed only by the user that created it, can be revised or deleted. Pending - means the bid notice has been posted already but still awaiting the daily batch processing that the system does to all posted bid notices. This can not be deleted but can be changed to "In Preparation" status by clicking the "Return to Draft" button if the user wants to effect changes after posting.

Active - means that the bid is now open, available to all users and has not reached its Closing Date.

Cancelled - means that the bidding has been cancelled.

Failed - means that there is a failure of bidding or no award notice has been issued. This may be due to bidders submitting non-responsive bids, or no bids were received at all.

Closed - means that the bid has reached its closing date and the submission of bid proposal are no longer being accepted.

Shorlisted - means that the evaluation for the eligibility of suppliers to participate in the bidding has been conducted.

Awarded - means that the bidding has been conducted and the awardee has been determined.


Indicates the number of documents/items associated to the bid notice. Click Order to view and order associated components.


Refers to additional information or amendments associated to the bid notice after it is posted. More than one bid supplement may be attached to a notice. Click on the number to display the Bid Supplements page to review or create a new bid supplement..


Refers to the list of prospective bidders that have downloaded/requested Associated Components (Electronic and/or Non- Electronic) attached to a bid notice.


Refers to the date that the Agency wants the notice to be posted in the system. By using the calendar icon, a user can choose the preferred Publish Date which should be at least a day later than the current date. It is also the date the notice has become "Active" and will be available to the public in the electronic bulletin board. The date format is DD/MM/YYYY.


Refers to the date and time changes like Postpone Bid, Cancel Bid, or bid supplements were attached to the notice after it became active. Date format is DD/MM/YYYY and time format is 12-hour.


Indicates the closing date and time for submissions related to the bidding being advertised for the notice. If the bidding being conducted is a two step process for example submissions for eligibility for shortlisting followed by a second step for the submission of bids, the closing date and time represents the closing date and time for the step currently being conducted. Separate associated notices will be published for each step in the bidding process.

Date format is DD/MM/YYYY and time format is 12-hour. Closing dates must fall on a business day (Monday to Friday) and may not occur on a National Holiday. The closing time may be set to any time throughout the day however it is suggested to have a closing time within regular business hours (8am - 5pm).

For bids funded by the Government of the Philippines (GOP) under RA 9184-IRR-A, the minimum period of posting from the Publish Date to the Closing Date is seven (7) days for Public Bidding. For Shopping, the minimum period of posting from the Publish Date to the Closing Date is one (1) day.

For bids funded by the MDBs (WB and ADB), the minimum period of posting from Publish Date to the Closing Date is fourteen (14) days for National Competitive Bidding (Public Bidding) and International Competitive Bidding (ICB). Agencies must however still follow the advertising requirements associated with the type of procurement being conducted and as approved in the associated procurement plan. For consulting services the EOI may have a 14 or 30 day minimum and for the RFP step different minimum periods may apply: 45 days for full technical proposal, 35 days for simplified proposal, and 21 days for biodata proposal. Goods and Services may also have a 28 or 42 day advertising period. Agencies should refer to the individual guidelines for the MDB to verify the required advertising periods.

For Shopping, the minimum period of posting from the Publish Date to the Closing Date is one (1) day. Agencies should however allocate sufficient time to ensure the garner sufficient responses depending on the size of the budget and the types of items being procured.


Refers to any information, specification/s, instruction to bidders that are relevant to the item/s or projects being procured and forms part of the bid notice. This field allows for copying and pasting of relevant information from another file like whole sentences or phrases without typing every word. The text in this field may be edited/corrected by clicking the Title link in the My Notices page.


This link allows a Buyer or Buyer Coordinator to include several items or lots in one bid notice. This also allows him/her to award per item or lot provided a separate ABC (Approved Budget for the Contract) for each item or lot is supplied.


Refers to the general or common name of the item/s or service/s being procured. (E.g.Hard Disk)


Refers to the type or special characteristics of Product/Service being procured (For the Product "Hardisk" e.g. external, 80 GB)


Refers to the aggregate number required per line item.  


The Unit of Measure for each line item.


Refers to the allotted budget for each line item. This amount should not exceed the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) for the bid requirement. For MDB funded operations, the line item budget represents an estimated budget for the item.


The reason or reasons why a Bid Failure or Bid Postponement or Bid Cancellation is declared.


Refers to the person who created and posted the notice. He may or may not be the "Contact Person" appearing on the Bid Notice Abstract.


The date the bid notice was created which may not necessarily be the date it was published.