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In a limited source bidding, only selected suppliers may participate in the bid. However, suppliers who were originally not invited to participate may send a request to do so. You may approve the supplier's request or reject with a reason. This page displays a list of requests for participation you have yet to approve.

To view full profile of the supplier's organization, approve or reject the request for participation, click on the supplier's name.

To view the bid notice abstract, click on the title of the notice.

REFERENCE NUMBER This column displays the Reference Number assigned to the notice.


This column displays the Title of the notice.To view the bid notice abstract, click on the title of the bid.
SUPPLIER NAME This column displays the Supplier Name who has requested for the invitation to bid. It will link to the supplier organization profile. To view full profile of the supplier's organization, approve or reject the request for participation, click on the supplier's name.

This column displays the date the supplier requested for the invitation to bid.