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This is the first page of the function in creating a bid notice. It requires you to provide basic information about the bid notice. All fields are marked with a red asterisk (*) MUST be filled up. Failure to do so means you cannot go on to the next step.

CLASSIFICATION Only one choice can be made for Classification. It is important to choose appropriately as different classifications will show different mandatory fields.


Solicitation Number refers to the unique ID that is given to your organization to carry out any business transactions. This field accepts alphabetical and numerical characters.
NOTICE TYPE & CATEGORY For Notice Type and Category, click on the drop-down arrow and choose the appropriate option.

In Procurement Mode, you will be offered five options. Namely, they are “Limited Source”, “Direct Contracting”, “Public Bidding”, “Shopping” and “Negotiated Purchase”. Each of this option will bring about different ways of inviting suppliers.

For Public Bidding & Direct Contracting, the bid notice will be open to all suppliers whose organization profile matches the category of your bid notice. You won’t have to choose any suppliers. An e-mail will be sent out to notify them.

If you choose Shopping or Negotiated Purchase, an “InviteSupplier” link will appear. This means that you have to choose a minimum of 3 suppliers from the supplier directory. Click on that link and proceed to make your choices.

Do take note that any adding or deleting that you do in this list only affects your invited list of suppliers and not the supplier directory itself.

The last choice is Limited Source. If you choose this option, the “InviteSupplier” link will also appear. But instead of choosing suppliers from the supplier directory, here you will choose suppliers that have been accredited by administrators and other buyer agencies. Accredited suppliers mean that the suppliers have a good track record in business dealings with other buyers. The suppliers will fall under different codes. That means that 1 accreditation code can have more than 1 supplier under it.

APPROVED BUDGET FOR THE CONTRACT Next, you have to enter the approved budget for the contract that you are offering in the Approved Budget for the Contract field. Please calculate all budgets in Philippines Pesos(PhP). Do take note that if you chose “Shopping” as your procurement mode, your budget cannot exceed 250,000 PhP. If you do exceed the amount, the system will not allow you to carry on to the next step.
PUBLISH DATE For Publish Date, by default it will the day after you have posted the notice. For example, if you posted your bid notice on 14th April 2006, the notice will only be active on the next day, which is 15th April 2006. You can also choose to have it active any date after 15th April 2006 but not at an earlier or current date (=14th April 2006).
CLOSING DATE/TIME You must also choose a date when the bid notice should be closed, Closing Date/Time. The minimum & maximum days for a notice is determined by the procurement mode that you chose. For all procurement modes except for “Shopping”, the bid notice must be active for a minimum of 7 days and a maximum of 14 days. For “Shopping”, the bid notice has to be active for a minimum of 1 day and a maximum of 14 days. Please take note that if the closing date falls on a weekend or public holiday, it will be moved to the nearest working day that does NOT exceed 14 days. The closing date cannot be earlier or the same as the publish date.


Location/Area of Delivery refers to the place that is going to receive the goods/services. It does not necessarily have to be the location of your office. You are allowed to make multiple choices in this field.


The Contract Duration/Delivery Period is the amount of time you will need the services or the range of time that you will be able to receive the goods. Please note that when you select “Goods – General Support Services” as the classification, this field becomes mandatory. For other classifications, it will be optional.
TRADE AGREEMENT Next, please select the Trade Agreement that your organization adheres to. You can only choose one option.
FUNDING SOURCE The Funding Source is the institution(s) that provide(s) the necessary funds to your organization for payment of specific appropriations. You are allowed to select multiple choices in this field.
FUNDING INSTRUMENT Funding Instrument refers to the contractual arrangement that describes the obligation of your funding source. You are allowed to select multiple choices in this field.
PRE-BID CONFERENCE The Pre-bid Conference section refers to the briefing held by the buyer agency for the suppliers that are interested in the bid. In this briefing, technical and financial components of the bid shall be discussed, recorded and made available to all prospective suppliers at least 10 days before the closing date of the bid. Here, you can record down the Date, Time and Venue of the pre-bid conference. Please note that this is not a mandatory section.
PROCURING ENTITY Procuring Entity refers to the buyer that is publishing the bid notice, which is you. If your organization has sub-organization(s) under it, a “Select” link will appear on the right of the field. You can your sub-organization through here. Note that the link will NOT appear if your organization does not maintain any sub-organization(s).
CLIENT AGENCY If you are publishing a bid notice on a sub-organization’s behalf, you can state the Client Agency as the sub-organization itself. Again, the “Select” link will only appear if your parent organization maintains sub-organization(s).
CONTACT PERSON The default Contact Person will be the person who logged in. If you wish to change the details of the contact person, you will have to use the contacts directory. You are not allowed to type it in yourself. Click on the icon to access the directory and proceed to select the appropriate contact. The selected contact will then be reflected in the white box.