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This page displays an order for bid documents that have been requested but not processed.

To continue with your order, click Continue.

To delete an item, check the box next to the item and click Delete.

To add more items to the list, click Add More Items.

DELETE Click on the checkbox to select item(s) to delete.


System displays the reference number of the bid notice.

System displays the title of the bid notice.


Click on the checkbox to indicate if you would like to receive amendments to the bid notice.


DAYS LEFT System displays the remaining days between the current date and the closing date of the bid notice. If current date is 1-Oct-2004 and closing date is 9-Oct-2004 , the ‘Days Left' will be displayed as 8.
ITEM System displays a description of the item.
DELIVERY METHOD System displays the delivery method of the document. Download for electronic document and Pickup for non-electronic document.


This function is not applicable. The system will display the total as 0.00.


This function is not applicable. The system will display the total as 0.00.
SUBTOTAL This function is not applicable. The system will display the total as 0.00.
TAX This function is not applicable. The system will display the total as 0.00.
TOTAL This function is not applicable. The system will display the total as 0.00.