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When a supplier orders a non-electronic bid document, the system will create a Pending Task for the contact person for the collection of that bid document. This page displays a list of non-electronic bid documents ordered by suppliers. This page also allows the contact person for the collection, to keep a record of which documents have been collected.

To view Bid Notice Abstract, click on the title of the bid notice.

To change the collection status of the bid document, click Pending under the column Collected.

To return to the previous page, click Back.

ORDER NUMBER This column displays the order number assigned to the order.


This column displays the date the document has been ordered by the buyer/supplier.
TITLE This column displays the Title, Category and Agency of the notice for which the user has ordered the documents. Clicking on the title link would redirect user to the Bid Notice Abstract page.

This column displays the name of the user who ordered the documents.

CLOSING System displays the closing date in DD/MM/YYYY and the time in 12-hour format.
DOCUMENT AVAILABLE This column displays the date when the document is ready for collection.
COLLECTED This column displays a Pending link. Upon clicking on the “Pending” link, buyer is allowed to select the document(s) to be collected, enter Collected By and Collected Date. The default value for Collected Date is the current date.