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This page displays information about a contact person in an organization.

To view the organization's profile, click on the name of your organization.

To view the activity log of this contact person, click View Activity.

To view the history of changes to this contact person's profile, click View History.

To view the profile of the organization of the contact person, click on the name of the organization.

To return to the previous page, click Back.

CONTACT NAME System displays the name of the contact person.


System displays the designation of the contact person.
ORGANIZATION NAME System displays the name of the contact person's organization.

System displays the contact person's registration date.

ROLE System displays the role of the contact person in GEPS.
SIGNED TERMS AND CONDITIONS System will always indicate "Yes" to signify that the user has accepted the GEPS Terms and Conditions. NOTE: When you register in GEPS, it is mandatory that you accept the GEPS Terms and Conditions. Otherwise, the system will not allow you to proceed in the registration process. Thus the value of this field is always "Yes". However, during the transition phase, if the user has not yet performed the "First-Time Logged-In" function, this field will be set to "No".
TERMS AND CONDITIONS SIGNED DATE If the contact person has signed the terms and conditions, the system will display the date it was accepted.


System displays the contact person's organization's address.


System displays the contact person's telephone number. Format is: Country code - Area code - Telephone Number, Ext Number.
FAX NUMBER System displays the contact person's fax number. Format is: Country code - Area code - Fax Number
EMAIL ADDRESS System displays the contact person's email address.
USER ID System displays the contact person's user name in GEPS.
STATUS DATE System displays the contact person's status date.
CONTACT STATUS System displays the status of the contact person, either Active or Cancelled.
UPDATED BY System displays the name of the person who updated this profile.
DATE LAST UPDATED System displays the date that this profile was last updated.