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This page allows you to create and add new sub-organizations. Fields marked with a red (*) are compulsory.

ORGANIZATION NAME Please enter the name of the organization.


Please enter an acronym for the organization, if applicable.
FORMER NAME Please enter the organization's former name, if applicable.

Please select the organization's government branch using the drop-down menu.

ORGANIZATION TYPE Please select the organization's type using the drop-down menu.
ORGANIZATION SUB-TYPE Please select the organization's sub-type using the drop-down menu.
SECTOR Please select the organization's sector using the drop-down menu.


Please enter the organization's agency tax identification number.


Please enter the organization's web site address.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF ORGANIZATION You may enter a brief desription for the organization.
COUNTRY System displays the country from which the organization is from.
REGION Please select the region from which your organization is from using the drop-down menu.
PROVINCE Please select the province from which your organization is from using the drop-down menu.
CITY/MUNICIPALITY Please select the city/municipality from which your organization is from using the drop-down menu.
STREET ADDRESS Please enter the organization's street address.
ZIP CODE Please enter the organization's zip code.
SALUTATION TITLE Please select a salutation title using the drop-down menu.
FIRST NAME Please enter the contact person's first name.
MIDDLE NAME You may enter the contact person's middle name.
LAST NAME Please enter the contact person's last name.
DESIGNATION Please enter the contact person's designation.
TELEPHONE NUMBER Please enter the contact person's telephone number in this order: country code, area code, telephone number and extension number .
FAX NUMBER You may enter the contact person's fax number in this order: country code, area code, and fax number.
EMAIL ADDRESS Please enter the contact person's email address.