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This page displays the organization's profile.

To blacklist the organization, click the Blacklist button.(This button is only applicable when the organization is not yet blacklisted)

To remove this organization from the blacklist, click the Remove button.(This button is only applicable when the organization is already blacklisted)

To return to the list of supplier organizations, click the  Back button.

ORGANIZATION NAME System displays the name of the organization.


System displays the acronym of the organization.
STREET ADDRESS System displays the street address of the organization.

System displays the city/municipality where the organization is located.

PROVINCE System displays the province where the organization is located.
REGION System displays the region where the organization is located.
ZIP CODE System displays the organization's zip code.


System displays the URL of organization's web site.


System displays the system-generated number assigned to the organization upon registration to GEPS.
REGISTRATION DATE System displays the date of registration of the organization in GEPS.
FORM OF ORGANIZATION System displays the form of the organization.
ORGANIZATION TYPE System displays the organization's type.
BUSINESS CATEGORY System displays the business category the organization belongs to.
FORMER NAME System displays the organization's former name.
INCORPORATION DATE System displays the date the organization was incorporated.
NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES System displays the number of employees presently employed by the organization at the time of registration with GEPS.
PREVIOUS YEAR'S REVENUE System displays the preceding year's gross revenue of the organization at the time of registration with GEPS.
BUSINESS TAX IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (TIN) System displays the organization's business tax identification number (TIN).
DEPARTMENT OF TRADE AND INDUSTRY (DTI) REGISTRATION NUMBER System displays the registration number of the organization with the Department of Trade and Industry.
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION REGISTRATION NUMBER System displays the registration number of the organization with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
CDA REGISTRATION NUMBER System displays the registration number of the organization with the Cooperative Development Authority.
BLACKLISTED System displays whether the organization has been blacklisted. Click Yes to view agencies that have blacklisted the organization.
ACCREDITED BY GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES System displays whether the organization has been accredited by government authorities. Click Yes to view government authorities who have accredited the organization.
UPDATED BY System displays the name of the person who last updated the organization's profile. Click on the name of the person to view his/her profile.
DATE LAST UPDATED System displays the date the organization's profile was last updated.