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This page displays a list of suppliers that have been accredited by registered buyer agencies and also GEPS Administrators. To add a supplier, you must be a Buyer Coordinator. Please contact your Buyer Coordinator if you are not one. The accreditation code is controlled by the GEPS Administrator.

Select an Accreditation Code from the drop-down menu to view suppliers with that Accreditation Code. You may also view suppliers using the Alphabet Menu or navigate via the page number.

Buyer Coordinators may add suppliers to the list by selecting the specific accreditation code from the drop-down menu and click Add New Supplier button.

To view the profile of the organization, click on the name of the supplier. Buyer Coordinators may remove suppliers from the accreditation list by viewing the supplier's organization profile and clicking Remove button at the end of the page.

NAME OF ORGANIZATION System displays the name of the supplier's organization.


For local organizations, system will display the city and the province of the organization. For foreign organizations, system will display city, province/state and country.
ACCREDITATION DATE System displays the date of accreditation.

System displays the expiration date of the supplier's accreditation.