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This page displays a list of bid notices. You may choose to view open or closed notices by selecting from the drop-down list.

To narrow your search, you may also check any of the boxes in the Filter by Status fields and click Search. For Closed Notice List, you may view bid notices by Awarded, Cancelled, Closed, Failed and Shortlisted. For Open Notice List, you may view bid notices by Active, In-Preparation and Pending.

To post bid notices in Open Notice List, select bid notices using the checkboxes and click Post Bid.

To view the bid notice abstract, click on the title of the bid notice.

To create a new bid notice, click Create Notice.

This page displays a list of bid notices with Closed or Shortlisted status when click from Pending Task's Award Notices Creation and Shortlisting

REFERENCE NUMBER This column displays the reference number assigned to the notice.


To view associated components accompanying this bid notice, click on the icon.
TITLE This column displays the title of the notice. Click on the title to view bid notice abstract.

System indicates the date that the bid was published in GEPS. The date format is DD/MM/YYYY.

CLOSING DATE/TIME System indicates the closing date and time of the bid. Date format is DD/MM/YYYY and time format is 12-hour.
STATUS System displays the status of the bid.