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This page allows you to view a detailed tracking report of a bid notice. It includes Header Information for the bid notice, Order Statistics for bid supplements, Notice History, Document/Attachment history and Opportunity Request List section.


REFERENCE NUMBER System displays the reference number of the bid.


System displays the solicitation number of the bid.
TITLE System displays the title of the bid.

System displays the category of the bid.

NOTICE TYPE System displays the notice type of the bid.
CREATION DATE System displays the creation date of the bid.
PUBLISH DATE System displays the publish date of the bid.


System displays the Closing Date of the bid.


DELIVERED System displays the number of completed orders.
ON-HOLD System displays the number of orders that are with the status “On-Hold”.
IN PROGRESS System displays the number of orders that are waiting for collection.
TOTAL System displays the total number of orders.
VERSION System displays the version of the bid supplement which starts from 1.
BID SUPPLEMENT NUMBER System displays the bid supplement number.
STATUS System displays the status for the bid.
CREATED System displays the creation date and time of the Bid. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
PUBLISHED System displays the publish date and time of the bid. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
CLOSING System displays the closing date and time of the Bid. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
DOCUMENT NAME System displays the name of the document.
DOCUMENT TYPE System displays the document type like PDF file.
CONTENT System displays the content description of the document.
FORMAT System displays the format of the bid document/supplement.
FILE NAME System displays the file name of the document that the buyer uploaded.
CREATION DATE System displays the date that the file is being created. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
COLLECTION POINT/CONTACT System displays the collection point and the name of the contact person who ordered the document.
LIST OF COMPANY NAMES System displays the name of the company (includes buyer and supplier) who has ordered bid documents (this is excluding bid supplements) for the bid notice as a link. To view the Opportunity Request List for each company, click on the company name.
USER ID System displays the ID assigned to the organization upon registration.
USERNAME System displays the name of the contact person at the organization.
ADDRESS System displays the following information: Street address of the organization, Name of the city where the organization is located, Province or State where the organization is located, Postal Code or Zip Code of the organization.
PHONE System displays the telephone number of the organization contact.
FAX System displays the fax number of the organization contact
AUTO-UPDATE The system displays the auto-update status of the organization.
DATE SET System displays the date when the Auto-Update flag is last updated. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
DOCUMENT NAME System displays the document name of the file.
ORDER NUMBER System displays the order confirmation number.
ORDER DATE System displays the date on which the order was placed.
DELIVERY METHOD System displays the method used to order the documents/attachments.
LIST OF AWARDEES System displays the list of awardees as a link. Click the link to be directed to the corresponding award notice list section of the awardee.
AWARD NOTICE NUMBER System displays the award notice number for each award.
TITLE System displays the title of the award.
AWARD TYPE System displays the award type of the award.
APPROVED BUDGET System displays the approved budget of the award.
PUBLISHED System displays publish date of the award. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
AWARDED System displays award date of the award. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
CONTRACT END System displays the contact end date. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
CONTACT NUMBER System displays the contact number of the buyer.
ORGANIZATION NAME System displays the organization name of the awardee.
CONTACT PERSON System displays the contact person of the buyer.
CONTRACT AMOUNT System displays the contract amount of the award.
PROCEED System displays the proceed date of the award.