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Notice creation is used to create and manage bid notices and manage the distribution of all associated bidding documents in the PhilGEPS service. The notices created in PhilGEPS should provide sufficient detailed information to prospective bidders about the goods and general support services, consulting services or civil works projects being procured. Additional detailed information about the opportunity and any bid response forms should be included with the notice as associated documents so that potential bidders can easily access all required information and participate in a bid. A bidding process may be conducted in multiple steps and each step would represent an individual bid notice. An additional step to a bidding process is created following the completion of the first step (or previous step) by creating a shortlist from the participating bidders. All shortlisted bidders are automatically invited to participate in the subsequent step.

Notice Creation is comprised of three (3) simple steps:

Step 1 - Basic Information - used to define the type of notice being publish, the advertising period, closing time and the rules and regulations to be applied to the procurement, delivery period, procuring contact and the approved budget for the contract (for bids under RA9184, IRR-A) or Estimated Budget for the Contract (for bids covered under MDBs).

Step 2 - Notice Description - is used to describe the goods, consulting services and/or civil works projects being procured. The notice description should include sufficient details about the bid so that interested suppliers will know whether they wish to participate in the bidding or not. A Buyer may also define the individual lots or items to be procured with their own individual budget. Awards may only be issued against a budget, therefore if multiple awards are to be issued, the notice should include individual line items in the notice description. The Notice description is made up of four (4) parts to provide the Buyer with sufficient flexibility in describing an opportunity. The 4 parts include: a Title, Detailed Description, Line Items and Other information.

Step 3 - Add Associated Components - is used to attach or identify any associated component to a bid notice such as, instructions to bidders, technical specifications, bid forms and supplements which form part of the tender. Electronic documents may be uploaded to the system and attached to the bid notice or the procuring entity may define physical documents that must be ordered and secured from the procuring organization. Once a supplier downloads the attached electronic document and order the non-electronic attachment in the bid notice, the organization name of the supplier will be reflected in the Document Request List (DRL).

After the creation of the initial notice, the buyer may continue to edit the notice and any associated documents until it is posted in PhilGEPS. Once the notice is published, any future edits or changes will be treated as a bid supplement or bulletin.

Fields on any of the notice creation steps that are marked with a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled out. The Buyer is also responsible for defining the appropriate advertising period for the bid by setting the publish date and closing date appropriately. The publish date may be any date following the current date. The closing date must be at least 7 days later for bids subject to RA 9184 (IRR-A) and at least 14 days for bids under Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) funded operations (Asian Development Bank (ADB) and World Bank (WB)) or longer depending on the nature of the bid. Shopping, for both RA9184 and MDBs, may be advertised in as little as 1 day, but the procuring entity should provide sufficient time for vendors to view the notice and submit an appropriate response.

When creating a new notice, a Buyer may use an existing template from a previously saved notice. Templates can be useful for repetitive procurement tasks and help to ensure that minimum document standards are applied to the notice descriptions for different types of procurement. To use a template, simply click on the "use template" link and select the desired template to be applied to the new notice.

CLASSIFICATION Identifies the general classification of the procurement being undertaken: Goods, Goods - General Supporting Services, Civil Works and Consulting Services. Bidding for Goods can be conducted in either One-Step or Two-Step Bidding. For Goods - General Support Services, the Contract Duration field will be mandatory instead of the Delivery Date, and One-Step bidding is allowed. Civil Works and Consulting Services can have Two-Step Bidding.

This number is generated by the system and is used to uniquely identify each notice created in the system. This number is assigned after the completion of the first step in the notice creation.

SOLICITATION NUMBER Represents a file/contract/tracking number to identify the notice by the organization creating the notice. This is user defined and can contain any combination of letters, numbers and special characters and does not have to be unique. An agency may decide to assign only one series of solicitation numbers for all bid notices posted or may opt to assign different series of control numbers depending on how many buyers and buyer coordinators are posting notices within an agency.
NOTICE TYPE Please select the notice type from the drop-down menu which is most applicable to the bid notice created. Under RA 9184, for Public Bidding "The Invitation to Apply for Eligibility and to Bid" shall be used. For Shopping, the buyer could use "Request for Quotation" . For MDB funded projects, a Buyer may select from the drop-down menu, any of the following: Invitation to Apply for Eligibility and to Bid, Invitation to Pre-qualify, Invitation to Bid, Request for Proposal, Expression of Interest.
CATEGORY Please select the category of the notice from the drop-down menu. The category option is dependent on the classification of the notice. It is a general classification of goods and general support services, civil works and consulting services that are usually bought by government agencies (e.g. if a Buyer has a requirement for computers, he/she shall choose "Information Technology" for his category.)


Scroll to choose one of the 5 options available in the drop-down menu for bids funded by the Government of the Philippines and the rules of the IRR-A of RA 9184 will apply. Each option will bring about different ways of inviting suppliers.

Public Bidding or Competitive Bidding refers to a method of procurement which is open to participation by any interested party. All procurement shall be done through competitive bidding, except as provided in Rule XVI of the IRR-A of the RA 9184.

Direct Contracting is a method of procurement of goods that does not require elaborate bidding documents and maybe resorted to by concerned procuring entities under conditions indicated in Rule XVI - Section 50 of the IRR - A.

For Shopping, Negotiated Procurement and Limited Source, an Invite Supplier link will appear.

Shopping is a method of procurement of goods whereby the procuring entity simply requests for the submission of price quotations for readily available off-the-shelf goods or ordinary/regular equipment to be procured directly from suppliers of qualifications. This method of procurement shall be employed only in cases specified in Rule XVI - Section 52 of the IRR-A. Negotiated Procurement is a method of procurement of goods, infrastructure projects and consulting services, whereby the procuring entity directly negotiates a contract with a technically, legally and financially capable supplier, contractor or consultant only in the cases specified in Rule XVI - Section 53 of the IRR-A.

Choosing Shopping and Negotiated Procurement will require the Buyer to choose a minimum of three suppliers from the supplier directory by clicking Invite Supplier link.

Limited Source Bidding is a method of procurement of goods and consulting services, that involves direct invitation to bid by the concerned procuring entity from a set of pre-selected suppliers or consultants appearing in a list maintained by a relevant Government authority that has expertise in the type of procurement concerned. This may be employed under any conditions set forth in Rule XVI 0 Section 49.

In the system, choosing Limited Source requires the Buyer to choose suppliers that have been registered by relevant government authority. These suppliers will fall under different codes, and each code can have more than one supplier.

For bids under MDB, a Buyer may select either "Public Bidding" for "National Competitive Bidding(NCB)","International Competitive Bidding(ICB)" or "Shopping".


For those procurement funded by the Government of the Philippines (Trade Agreement = "Implementing Rules and Regulations-A"), this refers to the budget for the contract duly approved by the head of the procuring entity, as provided in the General Appropriations Act (GAA) and/or continuing appropriations, in the case of the National Government Agencies (NGAs); the corporate budget for the contract approved by the governing board in case of GOCCs and GFIs, and Republic Act No. 8292 in case of SUCS and the budget approved by the Sanggunian in the case of LGUs. The system will do a validation check to ensure that data entered is only numeric. Currency for the approved budget will be Philippine Pesos. For Shopping, should the approved budget exceed 250,000, the system will prompt an alert message, stating the supplier is not allowed to create the bid notice that exceeds the allowable amount.

For Multilateral Development Banks (MDB), specifically World Bank (WB) and Asian Development Banks (ADB) funded operations, (i.e. Trade Agreement <> Implementing Rules and Regulations-A), this is the Estimated Budget for the Contract and is non-mandatory. For Shopping under MDB funded operations, the Estimated Budget should not exceed Php 4 M.

LOCATION/AREA OF DELIVERY Scroll to select the appropriate Location (for Civil Works and Consulting Services) or Area of Delivery (for Goods) by clicking an area or region of delivery. The Buyer's selection will then be highlighted. To select several areas, hold down the Ctrl key and click on selected areas or regions. To select all areas, click on the first area, scroll to the end of the list and hold down the Shift key while clicking on the last area.
CONTRACT PERIOD/DELIVERY PERIOD A Buyer may choose to enter the preferred Contract Duration (for Civil Works and Consulting Services) or Delivery Period (for Goods). To do so, enter a number, and from the drop-down menu, indicate Day(s), Month(s), or Year(s).

Please select a trade agreement applicable to the bid notice being created using the drop-down menu.

Trade Agreement applies only to procurement activities that are governed by agreements entered into by the Government of the Philippines with MDBs or funding agencies. In most cases, trade agreements do not apply to GOP funded procurement so the buyer will select the "Implementing Rules and Regulations or RA 9184". If trade agreement is equal to "Implementing Rules and Regulations", the approved budget for the contract (ABC) is mandatory since RA 9184 will apply. For other trade agreement values the ABC is optional. For MDB funded operations i.e. WB and ADB funded programs and projects, please select either "ADB Procurement Guidelines", "ADB Guidelines on the use of Consultants", "WB Procurement Guidelines" or "WB Guidelines on the use of Consultants" depending on what is applicable to the bid.


Select your source of funding from the list.

Funding source refers to the Government of the Philippines (GOP) or other multilateral or funding agencies from which the funds used to procure the items came from (e.g. WorldBank, ADB, JBIC etc.) Your selection will then be highlighted. To select several sources, hold down the Ctrl key and click on selected areas/regions. To select all areas, click on the first source, scroll to the end of the list and hold down the Shift key while clicking on the last source.


Select the funding instrument from the list. Funding instruments for bids funded by the GOP includes the ff: General Appropriations Act (GAA) for NGAs, Corporate Operating Budget for GOCCS, Budget for the Contract approved by the Sanggunian for (LGUs). For MDB funded operations the funding instrument is "Loan/Grants".

Your selection will then be highlighted. To select several funding instruments, hold down the Ctrl key and click on selected funding instruments. To select all areas, click on the first funding instrument, scroll to the end of the list and hold down the Shift key while clicking on the last funding instrument.


Select the publish date in DD/MM/YYYY format by clicking the calendar icon. The default value is one (1) day after the date on which bid notice is posted.


For Public bidding:
Single Step - this field refers to the deadline of bid submission
Two Step
1st Closing Date/Time - This field refers to the deadline for submission of eligibility for shortlisting.
2nd Closing Date/Time - This refers to the deadline for submission of bids by the shortlisted bidders.

For Alternative Modes of Procurement like Shopping: This field refers to the deadline of submission.

Date format is DD/MM/YYYY and time format is 12-hour.

For bids funded by the Government of the Philippines (GOP) where the RA 9184-IRR-A will apply or Trade Agreement is equal to "Implementing Rules and Regulations", the minimum period for posting from the Publish Date to the Closing Date is seven (7) calendar days for Public Bidding. For Shopping, the minimum period of posting from the Publish Date to the Closing Date is one (1) day. In case when the closing date/time falls on a weekend or holiday, the closing date should be adjusted to the next working day.

For bids funded by the MDBs (WB and ADB), the minimum period for posting from Publish Date to the Closing Date is fourteen (14) calendar days for National Competitive Bidding (Public Bidding) and International Competitive Bidding (ICB).

For Shopping, the minimum period for posting from the Publish Date to the Closing Date is one (1) day.

Example: Publish Date is June 1,2007, closing date should at least be on June 15,2007.

For shopping under the MDB funding, closing date should not be the same as the publish date. The minimum advertising period is one (1) day.

PRE-BID CONFERENCE A Pre-Bid Conference is conducted to provide prospective bidders a venue to comment or clarify certain issues about the bid.
DATE/TIME Select the date in DD/MM/YYYY format by clicking the calendar icon. Selecting the number in the dropdown menu to enter the time. The time is in 12 hrs format.
VENUE This field is used to inform prospective bidders the venue of the pre-bid conference. If the Date / Time field is entered, this field becomes mandatory and vice versa.
PROCURING ENTITY The default value for procuring entity is the agency from where the Buyer who created the notice was registered. He/she may also select a sub organization, if any, by clicking on the Select link. If the agency maintains no sub-organization, the Select link is not displayed.
CLIENT AGENCY For Procurement Service, clicking on the Select link will display those sub-organizations under DBM-PS by default, and system will also provide a facility to allow the Buyer to search other agencies in the Buyer directory. For all agencies other than Procurement Service, clicking on the Select link will display the organization name/s and those sub-organization/s under that agency. If the agency maintains no sub-organization, the Select link will not be available.
CONTACT PERSON System defaults to the person creating the bid notice. He/she may also select other contacts from the Organization Contact List. If a sub-organization is selected as the procuring entity, the organization contact list will be changed accordingly. The name, designation, address, phone number, fax number and email of the contact person will be captured in this field.