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Pending Tasks

This is the first page you'll see once you log into GEPS. This page provides an overall view of tasks that require your attention. For each category, the table provides the corresponding number of tasks that have yet to be completed.

REQUESTS FOR PARTICIPATION In a limited source bidding, only selected suppliers may participate in the bid. However, suppliers who were originally not invited to participate may send a request to do so. You may approve the supplier's request or reject with a reason. This shows the number of requests awaiting your approval. Follow the link to view, approve or reject any pending requests.


When a supplier orders a non-electronic bid document(s) or bid supplement(s), the system will create a pending task for the buyer designated as the collection contact. This allows you to change make a record once a supplier has collected the bid document(s). Follow the link to view amend collection status.
PENDING ORDERS This pending task is a reminder to complete the process of ordering a bid document(s). This shows the number of orders that have been requested but not processed. Follow the link to either complete the order process or delete the request.

You may request for items you wish to purchase by posting a bid notice so suppliers may view and bid for the tender. This shows the number of bid notices you have created, but have yet to post. Follow the link to view, create and post bid notices.

BID NOTICE FOR AWARD / SHORTLISTING Several suppliers may participate in a bid process and a select pool of suppliers may be shortlisted for further consideration. These shortlisted suppliers must be informed of their status. Once a supplier has won a bid, an award notice must also be created and sent to confirm award status. This pending tasks shows all bids notices that have been closed and an award or the list of shortlisted suppliers have not been posted for 90 days. This shows the number of award and shortlist notices you have yet to create. Follow the link to create award notices and to shortlist suppliers..
AWARD NOTICES FOR POSTING Award notices must be posted to inform suppliers of their status. This shows the number of award notices you have created and completed, but have yet to post. Follow the link to post award notices.
AWARD NOTICES TO PROCEED Award notices must be posted to inform suppliers of their status. Incomplete notices cannot be posted. This shows the number of award notices you have created but have yet to complete. Follow the link to complete and post award notices