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This page displays the organization's profile.

Click on the website address of his organization to display the site in a new pop-up window.

Click on the name of the parent organization to display the parent organization’s profile in a new page.

Click on the contact person’ name to display the contact's profile.

ORGANIZATION NAME System displays the name of the organization.


System displays the acronym of the organization.
STREET ADDRESS System displays the organization's street address.

System displays the city/municipality of the organization.

PROVINCE System displays the province of the organization.
REGION System displays the region of the organization.
ZIP CODE System displays the organization's zip code.


System displays the organization's web address.


System displays the organization's registration date.
FORM OF ORGANIZATION System displays the organization's form of organization.
ORGANIZATION TYPE System displays the organization's type.
BUSINESS CATEGORY System displays the organization's business category.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE ORGANIZATION System displays a brief description of the organization.
INCORPORATION DATE System displays the organization's incorporation date.
NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES System displays the number of employees in the organization.
PREVIOUS YEAR'S REVENUE System displays the organization's revenue in the previous year.
REGISTERED CONTACT System displays all the active contacts of the organization, including telephone and fax numbers. You may click on the name of the contact to display the contact profile.
BLACKLISTED System displays if the organization has been blacklisted by agencies. Click Yes to view agencies that have blacklisted this organization.
ACCREDITED BY GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES System displays if the organization has been accredited by government authorities. Click Yes to view government authorities that have accredited the organization.