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This page displays the profile of a contact person from an organization.

To send this person a message, click Send Message.

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The table below lists the data fields that are displayed in this page:

CONTACT NAME System displays the complete name of the buyer contact person.


System displays the designation/corporate title of the buyer contact person.
ORGANIZATION NAME System displays the name of the organization of the buyer contact person.

System displays the date on which the buyer contact person is registered in the GEPS. The format is DD/MM/YY.

TELEPHONE NUMBER System displays the contact person's telephone number. The format is: Country Code - Area Code - Telephone Number, Ext Number.
FAX NUMBER System displays the contact person's fax number. The format is: Country Code - Area Code - Fax Number.
CONTACT ADDRESS System displays the street's address, city/municipality, province, region and the country of the buyer contact person.