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This page displays a list of all active buyer organizations in ascending alphabetical order of up to 20 records per page.

To view a listing of all sectors with corresponding number of active buyer organizations within each sector, click View By Sector.

To search for a contact person within a buyer organization, click Search Contact.

You may also search for a buyer organization using either the Alphabet Menu or the Page Index.

To search for a buyer organization, you may use any of the search criteria below and click Search.

ORGANIZATION NAME You may enter the buyer organization name or keyword/s from the organization name. Leave this field blank to display all buyer organizations.


You may select the government branch from the drop-down list. Leave this field blank to display all buyer organizations of all government branches.
ORGANIZATION TYPE You may select the organization type from the drop-down list. Leave this field blank to display all buyer organizations under all organization types.

You may select the organization's sub-type using the drop-down menu.

SECTOR You may select the sector from the drop-down list. Leave this field blank to display all buyer organizations under all the different sectors.
REGISTRATION DATE FROM/TO You may enter the registration date range using the calendar icon. The format is: DD/MM/YYYY.
REGION You may select the region from the drop-down list. Leave this field blank to display all buyer organizations under all the different regions.


You may select the province from the drop-down list. If a region has been selected, the drop-down list will contain all the provinces under the selected region. Leave this field blank to display all buyer organizations under the different provinces.


You may select the city/municipality from the drop-down list. If a province has been selected, the drop-down list will contain all the cities/municipalities under the selected province. Leave this field blank to display all buyer organizations under all the different cities/municipalities.

The following fields will be displayed:

TOTAL NUMBER OF RECORD(S) System displays the total number of buyer organizations found.
SEQUENCE NUMBER System displays the system-generated list sequence number. Label of this field is not displayed. A maximum of twenty (20) records will be displayed per page.
ORGANIZATION NAME System displays the name of the buyer organization. Click on the name of the organization to view the profile of the buyer organization.
LOCATION System displays the city/municipality and province of the buyer organization.

NOTE: To clear all search fields, click Reset.