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Award notices must be posted to inform suppliers of their status. During the creation of the award, you have an option to save the award and come back at a later date to finish the process of creating an award. This page displays a list of award notices you have created and completed, but have yet to post.

To delete an award notice(s), select award notice(s) using the checkbox(es) provided and click the Delete button.

To post an award notice(s), select an award notice(s) using the checkbox(es) provided and click the Post Award button.

To view the bid notice abstract, click on the title of the notice.

To view the award notice abstract, edit or post an award notice, click the title of the award notice.

AWARD NOTICE NUMBER This column displays the award notice number assigned to the notice.


This column displays the reference number assigned to the notice as a link. Click on the reference number to view the bid notice abstract.
TITLE This column displays the title of the award notice as a link. Click on the title of the award notice to view the award notice abstract.

This column displays the date that the notice was created.