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This page allows you to add a document to accompany a notice. Fields marked with a red asterisk (*) are compulsory.

To delete a document, check the box(es) next to the document(s) you would like to delete and click Delete to continue.

To attach a document, check the box(es) next to the document(s) you would like to attach and click Accept.

To return to the previous page, click Done.


Click on either Electronic or Non-Electronic radio button.
DOCUMENT NAME Please enter the name of the document. For electronic document, upon clicking on the link, you will be allowed to download or open the document. For Non-electronic document, Date Available, Collection Contact, Collection Point and Special Instruction will be displayed.


This field is to capture the date the document is available for pick-up from the source. (This field appears only for Non-Electronic Document page)
CONTENT Select the content of the associated component document from the dropdown menu.

Selects the format of the associated component document from the dropdown menu. (This field is not mandatory for Non-Electronic Document)

FILE NAME To upload an electronic document, click on the Browse button to select files from your local drive. (This field appears only for Electronic Document page)
COLLECTION CONTACT Default value is the person who creates the bid notice. Alternatively, you may also select from the organization contact list. The address, phone number and fax number of the user will be populated to Collection Point. (This field appears only for Non-Electronic Document page)
COLLECTION POINT Default value is the address, phone number and fax number of the collection contact. This field will remain editable. (This field appears only for Non-Electronic Document page)


You may enter special instructions for the bid. (This field appears only for Non-Electronic Document page)


Click on Attach to upload the associated component.