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This page allows you to make amendments to an award notice. Fields that are marked with a red asterisk (*) are compulsory.

To add an electronic document to this award notice, click Add Electronic Document.

To continue, click Done.

To return to the previous page, click Cancel.




System displays the reference number of the bid.
TITLE System displays the title of the bid notice.

System displays the category of the bid notice.

APPROVED BUDGET OF THE CONTRACT System displays the approved budget of the contract for the bid notice.
LINE ITEMS If a notice is created without a line item, there will not be a table of line items in the award notice creation.
ITEM NO. System displays the item number.


System displays the name of the product.


System displays the quantity of the item.
UOM System displays the unit of measure of the item.
DESCRIPTION System displays a description of the line item.
AWARDEE System displays the name of the awardee. To change the awardee(s), click Bidders List.
ADDRESS System displays the address of the awardee.
CLIENT AGENCY If you are publishing a bid notice on a sub-organization’s behalf, you can state the Client Agency as the sub-organization itself. Again, the Select link will only appear if your parent organization maintains sub-organization(s).
CONTACT PERSON The default Contact Person will be the person who logged in. If you wish to change the details of the contact person, you will have to use the contacts directory. You are not allowed to type it in yourself. Click on the memo icon to access the directory and proceed to select the appropriate contact. The selected contact will then be reflected.
CORPORATE TITLE System displays the corporate title of the contact person.
AWARD TYPE System displays the type of award. You may change the type of award by using the drop-down menu.
CONTRACT AMOUNT System displays the contract amount.
AWARD DATE System displays the date of the award. you may change the award date by clicking the calendar icon.
REASON FOR AWARD System displays the reason for the award.