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This page allows you to view all award notices you have created.

STATUS User selects the status of the notices to be viewed. The statuses are In-Preparation, Cancel or Posted.


User may click on the checkbox to select a particular Award Notice.
This row appears only when status “In-Preparation” is selected from the dropdown menu.
AWARD NOTICE NUMBER System displays the Award Notice number. Clicking on number link will yield the details of the award notice.

System displays the reference number of the bid notice. Clicking on the number link will display bid notice abstract page.

TITLE System displays the title, category and agency of the award notice.
DATE CREATED System displays the date when the award notice is created. The date is displayed in DD/MM/YYYY format.
DELETE Delete button deletes the selected Award Notices once the checkbox against the award notice is clicked. This feature is available only when status In-Preparation is selected from the dropdown menu.


Post button updates the Award Notice status from In-Preparation to Posted. This button is available only when status In-Preparation is selected from the dropdown menu.