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This page displays a list of Closed and Shortlisted bid notices. These bid notices have either been closed for more than 90 days or a bid notice has been shortlisted in first stage bidding and is ready for second stage bidding.

For Closed notices, you may click on the title of the bid notice to view the bid notice abstract, where you may create an award notice or create a list of shortlisted suppliers.

For Shortlisted notices, you may click on the title of the bid notice to be directed to the shortlisted suppliers page, from where you may proceed to create the second stage bid notice.

REFERENCE NUMBER This column displays the reference number assigned to the notice.


To view associated components accompanying this bid notice, click on the icon.
TITLE This column displays the title of the notice. Click on the title to view bid notice abstract.

System indicates the date that the bid was published in GEPS. The date format is DD/MM/YYYY.

CLOSING DATE/TIME System indicates the closing date and time of the bid. Date format is DD/MM/YYYY and time format is 12-hour.
STATUS System displays the status of the bid.