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This page allows you to add a bid supplement to the bid notice. To postpone a bid notice, you must complete this addendum. If the status of the bid notice is Closed, after you enter a new closing date/time for the bid and click on the Done button, the original closing date/time of the bid will be updated to the new closing date/time. The status of the bid notice will be changed to Active.

To add associated components to this bid supplement, click Add Associated Components.

To continue, click Done.

To return to the previous page, click Previous.

TYPE System displays the default as Addendum.


System displays the bid supplement number. This is a unique number generated by the system consist of the reference number plus two (2) digits.
TITLE Please enter a title for the bid supplement.

Please enter a new closing date and time for the bid notice by using the calendar icon and the drop-down menus. Date is displayed as DD/ MM/YY and time is 12-hour.


You may enter a remark for postponing the bid notice.

ADD ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS To upload attachments both electronic and non electronic, click on Add Associated Components.