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In the Bidders List, line items of the bid notice can either be displayed separately or as a group. The display will be based on the approved budget fields, whether it was shared among the line items or not. If one approved budget was shared among the line items, then all the line items would appear as one group and you may create only one award for this bid notice. If the approved budget was divided among the line items, the line items would appear separately in the Bidders List.

Click on the Add from DRL button to be directed to the Document Request List (DRL) page to select suppliers to add into Bidder's List. Select suppliers from the Document Request List who submitted bids for this specific item and click on Submit button. Selected suppliers will be shown under each line item or at the end of all the line items depending on whether approved budget is shared or not.

There is an option for the user to add suppliers manually. By clicking on the Add Manually button, you will be able to add non-registered Joint Venture companies to the DRL.

Click Delete to remove the selected supplier(s) from the Bidder's List for each item.

If a notice is created without a line item, there will be no table of line items in the bidders list. When there is no line item, the title of the bid notice will automatically become the title of the award notice. You may not add to the bidders list or shortlist non-registered suppliers, except for Joint Venture organizations.

To create an award notice, select suppliers to award and click Create Award Notice.

To shortlist suppliers, select suppliers and click Create Shortlist.

To return to the previous page, click Cancel.



System displays the reference number of the bid.
TITLE System displays the title of the bid notice.

System displays the category of the bid notice.

APPROVED BUDGET FOR THE CONTRACT System displays the approved budget of the contract for the bid notice.
ITEM NO. System displays the item number.


System displays the name of the product.


System displays the quantity of the item to be ordered.
UOM System displays the unit of measure of the item.
BUDGET The system displays the budget for every single line item, unless the approved budget for the contract is shared.