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This page displays details of an award notice.

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REFERENCE NUMBER Displays the reference number of the notice. This refers to a system generated number unique to each bid notice and increments to the next higher number.


Displays the title of the notice. This is a general classification of goods, civil works and consulting services that are usually bought by government agencies.
CATEGORY Displays the category of the notice.

Displays the approved budget of the contract for the bid notice in case of bids funded by the Government of the Philippines. For bids funded by Multilateral Development Banks (MDB) i.e. Worldbank (WB) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB), this is the Estimated Budget.

For notices published with multiple line items where each line item had a defined budget, the system will allow the agency to assign individual awards to the individual line items. Each line to be awarded will include the following components.
ITEM NO Displays the item number.
PRODUCT / SERVICE NAME Displays the product name. Refers to the general or common name of the item/s or service/s being procured (e.g. Hard Disk)


Displays a description of the line item. This refers to the type or special characteristics of Product/Service being procured (example : For the product "Hard Disk" e.g. external, 80 GB)
QUANTITY Displays the quantity of the item to be ordered.


Displays the unit of measure of the item.


Displays the budget of the item. This refers to the allotted budget for each line items
The system automatically populates the following fields with the selected supplier (awardee) from the bidders list.
AWARDEE Displays the name of the Supplier Organization that was awarded the contract.
ADDRESS Displays the address of the Supplier Organization that was awarded the item or contract.
CONTACT PERSON Captures the name, address, phone number and fax number of the person who has downloaded the document and defaults his name in the contact person field. The Buyer may select another contact person from the Organization Contact List by clicking on the icon and selecting from the list.
CORPORATE TITLE Please enter the corporate title. The default value of this field is the title of the contact person.

Select the award type from the dropdown menu. Refers to the kind of award being created. As a general rule, all the awards should be Award Notices that are results of competitive bidding. However, because the law allows for alternative methods of procurement, the Buyer or Buyer Coordinator may choose one from the list to distinguish which type of Award Notice is being created.

  • Repeat Order from a previous award is allowed but limited to 25% of the original quantity bid out as specified in Section 51 of the IRR-A of RA 9184.

  • Negotiated Procurement is another kind of Award Notice that meets the conditions specified in Section 53 of the IRRs of RA 9184

  • Direct Contracting is another award notice resulting in this alternative procurement specified in Section 50 of the IRR-A of RA 9184

  • Emergency Purchase is allowed under conditions stipulated in Section 52 or the IRR-A of RA 9184.


    Please enter the contract amount. For bids funded by the Government of the Philippines i.e. Trade Agreement is equal to "Implementing Rules and Regulations", the contract amount should not exceed the Approved Budget for the Contract or the ABC.

    For bids of programs/projects funded by the Multilateral Development Banks, i.e. Trade Agreement is not equal to "Implementing Rules and Regulations", the contract amount could be greater than the estimated budget in the award notice for non-IRR bid notices. The agency must still however abide by the conditions of the loan or grant agreement in particular as they relate to shopping limits which may be less than $100,000 USD and any awards published on the system must have been approved by the responsible MDB organization.

    AWARD DATE Refers to the date the award was made by the BAC. Select the date by using the date picker or the calendar icon in DD/MM/YYYY format.

    Please enter the reason for the award. This is the basis for which the award was made:

  • For goods and infra projects - Lowest Calculated and Responsive Bid

  • For consulting services - Highest Rated and Responsive bid
