Bid Notice Abstract
Request for Quotation (RFQ)
Reference Number 8482162
Title RFQ Library Books for San Isidro Campus
Area of Delivery Nueva Ecija

Solicitation Number: 3012022002
Trade Agreement: Implementing Rules and Regulations
Procurement Mode: Negotiated Procurement - Small Value Procurement (Sec. 53.9)
Classification: Goods
Category: Books, Maps and Other Publications
Approved Budget for the Contract: PHP 320,000.00 
Delivery Period: 45 Day/s
Client Agency:

Contact Person: Romualdo Lucas Santiago
Procurement Staff
gen.tinio st. cabanatuan city
Cabanatuan City
Nueva Ecija
Philippines 3100
Status Awarded
Associated Components 2
Bid Supplements 0
Document Request List 4
Date Published 02/03/2022
Last Updated / Time 18/07/2022 12:51 PM
Closing Date / Time 07/03/2022 16:00 PM

The Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology (NEUST) through the Bids and Awards
Committee (BAC), hereby invites all interested supplier registered with the Philippine Government Electronic Procurement System (PhilGEPS), to quote their lowest price for the hereunder contract, subject to the General Conditions stated herein.
Name of Project: RFQ Library Books for San Isodro Campus
Location: NEUST Atate Campus
Approved Budget for the Contract: PHP 320,000.00
Source of Fund: INCOME
Cost of Bidding Documents: Php 500.00

No. Qty Unit Item/Description
1. 5 pcs Beginner's Guide to C++ Programming, Pomperada, c2019
2. 5 pcs Computer System Organization w/ Assembly language Revised. Ed. , Revano, c2018
3. 5 pcs Essentials of Human Computer Interaction, Cortez, c2021
4. 5 pcs Fundamentals of Database Management (OBE Approach), de Castro, c2017
5. 5 pcs Fundamentals of Python Programming, Pomperada, c2019
6. 5 pcs Information Systems Fundamentals, Revano, c2019
7. 5 pcs Introduction to C Programming, Pomperada, c2019
8. 5 pcs Introduction to C# Programming, Pomperada, c2018
9. 5 pcs Introduction to Computer Networking, Pomperada, c2020
10. 3 pcs Introduction to Computer Programming and Logic Formulation Using C Language Programming, 3rd Ed., Abante, c2019
11. 5 pcs Introduction to Database Using Microsoft ACCESS, Abante, c2019
12. 2 pcs Introduction to GO Programming, Pomperada, c2022
13. 5 pcs Introduction to Information Technology and Computer Fundamentals, Besueña, c2019
14. 5 pcs Introduction to Java Programming Rev. Ed., Pomperada, c2018
15. 5 pcs Introduction to JQuery, Pomperada, c2021
16. 2 pcs Introduction to Perl Programming, Pomperada, c2021
17. 2 pcs Introduction to Ruby Programming, Pomperada, c2019
18. 5 pcs Java Programming, Abante, c2018
19. 2 pcs Learning Microsoft Visual C#, Abante, c2018
20. 5 pcs Living in the I. T. Era ,Revano, c2019
21. 5 pcs Management Concept and Organization, Revano,c2019
22. 5 pcs MySQL ,Abante, c2019
23. 5 pcs Practical Guide for Writing Information Technology Education Research Project, c2020
24. 5 pcs Python Programming, Abante, c2019
25. 3 pcs Social, Ethical, Legal and Professional Issues in Computing REVISED,Laviña, c2020
26. 5 pcs Understanding Programming for Beginners Using C# ,Balahadia, c2020
27. 5 pcs WEB Application Programming, Abante, c2018
28. 5 pcs Web Programming Using PHP and MySQL, Lampawog, c2020
29. 2 pcs Worktext In Basic and Advanced Keyboarding, San Luis, c2019
30. 5 pcs Applied Economics, Laraya, c2019
31. 5 pcs Basic Financial Management , Pineda, c2019
32. 5 pcs Basics of Cost Accounting and Cotrol (OBE Approach), Frias, c2017
33. 3 pcs Business & Transfer Tax, Banggawan, c2019
34. 5 pcs Business Plan (OBE Approach), Flores, c2017
35. 5 pcs Business Policy and Strategy (OBE Approach), Flores, c2017
36. 5 pcs Compensation Administration (OBE Approach), Montoya, c2017
37. 3 Pcs Consumer Behavior: Dynamics, Dimensions & Models, Mendoza, c2019
38. 5 Pcs Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Internal Control , Cabrera, c2019-20
39. 5 pcs Corporate Social Responsibility and Good Governance in the Millenial Age, Serrano, c2019
40. 3 pcs Corporate Social Responsibility, Good Governance and Environmental Accountability , Mendoza, c2018
41. 5 pcs Distribution Management, Acierto, c2019
42. 2 Pcs Elementary Accounting (Partnership and Corporation), 7/e, Frias, c2018
43. 2 Pcs Enterprise Risk Management: Creating Stronger Governance & Competitive Edge, Mendoza, c2019
44. 3 pcs Entrepreneurial Management, Acierto, c2019
45. 5 pcs Entrepreneurial MIND, Ybanez, c2021
46. 3 pcs Entrepreneurial Mindset, Serrano, c2021
47. 5 pcs Entrepreneurship, De Chavez, c2019
48. 5 pcs Entrepreneurship Fundamentals, Pineda, c2019
49. 5 pcs Entrepreneurship: Principles and Practices, Acierto, c2019
50. 5 pcs Environmental Management, Bermudez, c2017
51. 3 pcs Environmental Management: Concepts, Principles and Practice with Introduction to Philippine EIS System, Mendoza, c2018
52. 5 pcs Essentials of Business Ethics, Sergote, c2019
53. 5 pcs Essentials of Marketing, Serrano, c2019
54. 3 pcs Financial Markets and Institutions, Cabrera, c2020
55. 3 pcs Financial Accounting and Reporting Fundamentals II (Partnership and Corporation) Year 2019 Edition, Frias, c2019
56. 3 pcs Formulating and Implementing Policy & Strategy In Business: An Analytic Approach to Concepts and Cases, Serrano, c2017
57. 3 pcs Fundamentals of Advertising, Alminar Mutya, c2017
58. 2 pcs Fundamentals of Management ,Martin, c2022
59. 5 pcs Fundamentals of Management: Functions, Practices & Cases, Alminar-Mutya, c2019
60. 3 pcs Human Resource Development, Lopez, c2021
61. 5 Pcs Human Resource Management, Pereda, c2019
62. 3 Pcs Human Resource Management, 2nd Ed., Pereda, c2020
63. 2 Pcs Human Resource Management: Current Directions and New Challenges with Overviewing, Mendoza, c2019
64. 5 pcs In Depth: A Guide to Sucessful Business Planning , Acierto, c2017
65. 3 pcs Income Taxation, Banggawan, c2019
66. 5 pcs Income Taxation 15/e ( Based on TRAIN LAW ) w/ Practice Set, Erasmo, c2018
67. 5 pcs International Business & Trade, Martin, c2021
68. 5 pcs Introduction to Human Resource Management, Arroyo, c2018
69. 5 pcs Introduction to Technopreneurship, Pomperada, c2019
70. 5 pcs Inventory Management and Control (OBE Approach),Banaag, c2017
71. 5 pcs Job Analysis & Design ,Barboza, c2019
72. 5 pcs Labor Economics, Marcelo, c2017
73. 3 pcs Labor Laws and Legislation (OBE Approach), Luna, c2016
74. 3 pcs Macroeconomics, Marcelo, c2021
75. 3 pcs Management of Human Behavior in an Organization, 2e (OBE Approach), Flores, c2022
76. 3 pcs Marketing Management, Serrano, c2019
77. 3 pcs Negotiable Instruments, Soriano, c2016
78. 3 pcs Notes in Business Law, Soriano, c2016
79. 5 pcs Obligations & Contracts ,Luna, c2019
80. 5 pcs Operations Research for Business Management, San Pedro, c2017
81. 5 pcs Personal Financial Management, Flores, c2018
82. 2 pcs Philippine Income Tax, Vol-1 , Llamado, c2020
83. 5 pcs Philippine Income Tax, Vol-2 , Llamado, c2019
84. 5 pcs Principles of Marketing, de Chavez, c2020
85. 3 pcs Production Management, Martin, c2021
86. 3 pcs Professional Selling, Serrano, c2018
87. 5 pcs Psychological Statistics, Lambojon, c2017
88. 3 pcs Safety Management, Martin, c2021
89. 5 pcs Simplified Approach to Financial Management: Theories and Practices, Bautista, c2018
90. 5 pcs Social Responsibility and Good Governance (OBE Approach) ,Luna, c2016
91. 2 pcs Statistics for Business and Management, Martin, c2021
92. 3 pcs Strategic Cost Management, Cabrera, c2021
93. 5 pcs Strategic Human Resource Management (OBE Approach), Montoya, c2017
94. 3 pcs Strategic Management, Marcelo, c2020
95. 5 pcs Strategic Marketing Management, Banaag, c2020
96. 5 pcs Strategic Production and Operations Management (OBE Approach), Montoya, c2017
97. 3 pcs Supply Chain and Logistics Management: Enhancing Competitive Edge & Customer Satisfaction ,Mendoza, c2020
98. 5 pcs Transfer, Business and Local Taxation (w/ Practice Set ) 12/e Based on TRAIN LAW, Erasmo, c2019
99. 3 pcs Sales Agency and Credit Transactions, Soriano, c2019
100. 3 pcs Business & Transfer Tax, Banggawan, c2019
101. 3 pcs Cost Accounting and Control , Cabrera, c2021
102. 3 pcs Financial Markets and Institutions, Cabrera, c2020
103. 2 pcs Financial Management-Concepts and Application, Cabrera, c2021-22
104. 2 pcs Intermediate Financial Accounting Vol.1 , Cabrera, c2021
105. 2 pcs Intermediate Financial Accounting Vol.2 , Cabrera, c2021
106. 2 pcs Intermediate Financial Accounting Vol.3 , Cabrera, c2021
107. 2 pcs Management Accounting ,Cabrera, c2017
108. 2 pcs Principles of Auditing and Assurance Service , Cabrera, c2021
109. 2 pcs Strategic Cost Management, Cabrera, c2021
110. 2 pcs The Intermediate Accounting Vol.1, Empleo, c2020
111. 2 pcs The Intermediate Accounting Vol.2, Empleo, c2019
112. 2 pcs The Intermediate Accounting Vol.3, Empleo, c2019
113. 2 pcs Fundamentals of Accounting Vol.2 (Partnership & Corporation), Empleo, c2020
114. 5 pcs Income Taxation, Law and Accounting ( Under TRAIN Law ), Reyes, c2019
115. 5 pcs A Study on Business Taxes & Transfer Taxes ( Under TRAIN Law ), Reyes, c2019
116. 5 pcs A Study on Income Tax Law and Accounting ( Under the TRAIN Law), Reyes, c2019
117. 3 pcs Enhancement Reading & Review on Taxation ( Under the TRAIN Law & Revised Corporation Code, Reyes, c2019
118. 5 pcs Management Accounting for Non-Accountants, Alejo, c2017
119. 5 pcs Theory Financial Accounting 2019 Rev. Ed, Valix
120. 1 pcs Biological Psychology, Kalat, c2017
121. 1 pcs Cognitive Psychology, Sternberg, c2017
122. 1 pcs Human Exceptionality, Hardman, c2017
123. 1 pcs Social Psychology, Myers, c2017
124. 1 pcs Psychological Testing and Assessment, Cohen, c2018
125. 1 pcs Psychological Testing, Kaplan, c2019
126. 1 pcs Student Manual for Theory & Practice of Counselling and Psychotheraphy, Corey, c2017
127. 1 pcs Educational Psychology, Woolflk, c2018
128. 1 pcs Business Ethics ,Velasquez, c2017
129. 1 pcs Entrepreneurship: Starting & Operating a Small Business , Mariotti, c2017
130. 1 pcs Operations Management , Heizer, c2020
131. 1 pcs Management Information Systems , Laudon, c2018
132. 1 pcs Organizational Behavior, Robbins, c2020

• Official Receipt of Payment of Bid Document
• Certified True Copy of PhilGEPS Registration Number
• Certified True Copy of BIR Certificate of Registration
• Certified True Copy of Income Tax Return (stamped "received" by the BIR)
• Omnibus Sworn Statement
• Mayor's / Business Permit
• DTI/Sec Registration

All quotations shall be considered as fixed prices and not subject to price escalation during contract implementation.
Any erasures or overwriting shall be valid only if they are signed or initialed by the supplier or his/her authorized representative.
The BAC is conducting the Alternative Mode of Procurement (Small Value Procurement) for this Contract in accordance with RA 9184 and Its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR).
The quotation and eligibility documents must be submitted in a sealed envelope on or before 4:00PM, March 7, 2022 at the Procurement Office, NEUST, Gen. Tinio St., Cabanatuan City.
The NEUST reserves the right to reject any or all Quotations, to waive any minor defects therein, to reject all Quotations at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder(s), and to accept only the offer that is most advantageous to the Government.
The NEUST assumes no responsibility whatsoever to compensate or indemnify Bidders for any expenses incurred in the preparation of their Quotation.
For further inquiries, please coordinate with the BAC Secretariat Office at Telephone Number (044)

Line Items
Item No.Product/Service NameDescriptionQuantityUOMBudget (PHP)
1RFQ Library Books for San Isidro CampusRFQ Library Books for San Isidro Campus1Lot320,000.00

Created by Romualdo Lucas Santiago
Date Created 01/03/2022

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