Bid Notice Abstract
Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Reference Number 10497615
Title Supply and delivery of Laboratory Reagents for use of Laoag City General Hospital
Area of Delivery Ilocos Norte

Solicitation Number: 2024-003R
Trade Agreement: Implementing Rules and Regulations
Procurement Mode: Public Bidding
Classification: Goods
Category: Medical Supplies and Laboratory Instrument
Approved Budget for the Contract: PHP 6,599,729.00 
Delivery Period: 1 Year/s
Client Agency:

Contact Person: Rhonaline Joy B Agaran
BAC Secretariat Member
Laoag City Hall
Laoag City
Ilocos Norte
Philippines 2900
63-77-7720001 Ext.217
Status Closed
Associated Components 1
Bid Supplements 1
Document Request List 11
Date Published 26/01/2024
Last Updated / Time 15/02/2024 15:29 PM
Closing Date / Time 21/02/2024 15:00 PM

10 box Gel AHG (Coomb's) 1x24
35 box Gel Complete Cross Match 1x24
6 bot. LISS 100 ml
14 bot. Anti A Typing Sera 10 ml
14 bot. Anti B Typing Sera 10 ml
14 bot. Anti D (rH) Typing Sera 10 ml
5 Box Arterial Bld Syringe w/ Needle & Vacuum 100
15 Pack ABG Casette Test Kit (Calibrating Gas/Thermal Paper) 25
Electrolyte Analyzer ( Na/K/Cl/iCa)
6 Set Electrolyte Control (Normal & Abnormal) 10ml
3 Bottle Electrolyte Daily Cleaning Sol'n 6x12ml
18 Pack Electrolyte Solution Pack 800ml
4 Set Electrolyte Control (Bi-Level) 10 ml
8 Roll Electrolyte Thermal Paper 1
1 Bottle Electrolyte Filling Solution 125ml
2 Bottle Electrolyte Washing Solution 50ml
1 Piece Electrolyte Sodium Electrode 1
2 Piece Electrolyte Potassium Electrode 1
2 Piece Electrolyte Membrane Assembly 1
2 Piece Electrolyte Chloride Electrode 1
2 Piece Electrolyte Sample Detector 1
2 Piece Electrolyte Reference Electrode 1
Fully Automated Chemistry Analyzer
3 Set Albumin 6x30ml
1 Set Alkaline Phosphatase 5x25ml/1x32ml
1 Set Amylase 6x30ml
2 Set Bilirubin Direct 5x30ml/1x10ml
2 Set Bilirubin Total 5x30ml/1x10ml
2 Set Calcium 6x30ml
2 Set CK-MB 5x25ml/1x32ml
8 Set Cholesterol-LQ 6x30ml
6 Set Cholesterol-HDL 4x30ml/2x20ml
5 Set Creatinine 3x30ml/3x30ml
12 Set Glucose 6x30ml
1 Set LDH 5x25ml/1x32ml
1 Set Lipase 4x10ml
1 Set Magnesium 6x30ml
1 Set Phosphorus 6x30ml
4 Set SGOT 5x25ml/1x32ml
4 Set SGPT 5x25ml/1x32ml
2 Set Blood Total Protein 6x30ml
7 Set Blood Triglyceride 6x30ml
5 Set Blood Urea Nitrogen 5x25ml/1x32ml
8 Set Blood Uric Acid 3x30ml/3x30ml
3 Set Calibrator Ref G 5 ml
3 Set Calibrator Ref E 5 ml
2 set Calibrator HDL 5 ml
3 Set Control - Normal 4x5ml
3 Set Control - Pathologic 4x5ml
14 box Glyco sylated Hemoglobin (HbA1C) 1x50
OTHER REAGENTS (for Chemistry)
250 Box Glucose Strips 50s (with Control
15 Box Troponin-I (Qualitative) 25
20 Set Troponin-T (Qualitative) 5
300 Bottle Glucose Tolerance Test Beverage (75 gm) 240ml
20 Box Pregnancy Test - Serum 25
10 Box Pregnancy Test - Urine 30
3,000 Piece Urine Container (Adult) 1
2,000 piece Stool Container 1
10 Bottle Urine Strip (4 parameters) 100
100 Bottle Urine Strip (10 parameters) 100
80 b0x Pediatric Urine Collector 25
2 box Fecal Occult Blood 100
2 Bottle Ethanol 95% 4L
24 Bottle Formalene, Buffered 10% 4 L
1 Set Papaniculao Stain (Complete) 500 ml
Hematology Analyzer (Five Parts)
30 set Hematology Reagent (1set)
Diluent 1 boxes
Diff Lyse 2boxes
LH Lyse 1 bottles
3 Bottle Probe Cleanser 250 ml
13 set Hematology control (L-N-H) set
4 piece Hemocytometer 1pc
8 piece WBC pipette 1pc
8 Set Hematology Stain (Complete) 500ml
2 pc Hematology diffferential counter 5KEYS pc
3 Box Calcium Chloride > APTT 10x15ml
2 Box Citrol-1 E >PT/APTT 10x1ml
2 Box Citrol-2 E >PT/APTT 10x1ml
2 Bottle Owrens Veronal Buffer >PT/APTT 15ml
3 Box Pathrombin-SL >APTT 10x5ml
1 Bottle Standard Human Plasm >PT/APTT 1ml
6 Roll Thermal Paper (SYSMEX-Coag >PT/APTT 1
2 Box Thromborel-S >PT 10x4ml
2 Bottle Washing Solution
2 box Anti-HBs (Rapid Test) 30
2 box Anti-HCV (Rapid Test) 30
1 Set ASO Reagent (Latex) 10 ml
2 Set CRP Reagent (Latex) 10 ml
1 box Chikungunya Test Kit (Rapid Test) 25
1 box Dengue IgG-IgM (Rapid Test) 25
5 box Dengue NS-1 Ag (Rapid Test) 25
10 box Dengue NS-1 Dou (w/t IgG-IgM) (Rapid Test) 10
1 box HAV IgG/IgM (Rapid Test) 25
5 box HBsAg Screening-Casette type (Rapid Test) 100
5 box HIV 1/2 Ab (Rapid Test) 30
1 box H-pylori (Rapid Test) 20
1 box Leptospira IgG/IgM (Rapid Test) 30
1 Set RF (Latex) 5ml
5 box Test for Syphillis (Rapid Test) 100
1 box Salmonella typhi - IgG/IgM (Rapid Test) 25/bx
50 box Covid Antigen 25/bx
1 Set Gram Stain Set 250ml/set
1 Bottle Giemsa Stain 250ml/set
1 Bottle KOH 10% Solution 250ml/set
1 Bottle Acetic Acid 500 ml
1 Bottle Benedict's solution 500 ml
80 box MET/THC One Step Dual Drug Test Kit 25/box
4 Tray Blood Collecting Tube (BLUE) 1.8 ml 100
125 Tray Blood Collecting Tube (GOLD)-PLASTIC 3ml 100
125 Tray Blood Collecting Tube (VIOLET)-PLASTIC 3ml 100
100 Box Disposable Syringe -3cc/g23 100
100 Box Disposable Syringe -5cc/g23 100
5 Box Disposable Syringe -1cc/g23 100
40 Box Frosted Slide 72's
10 box Cotton tip applicator Stick 100
10 box Applicator Stick 1000
80 Tray Microtainer tubes (Lavender top) 100
2 Box Needle -g23 100
2 Roll Parafilm 4inx125ft
15 Box Plastic Lancet-Super Fine( gauge 30) 200
3 Box Plastic Lancet-Super Fine( gauge 21) 200
8 Box Thin Cover Slip (Sterilab) 200
8 box Needle - gauge 25 100pcs/box
5 piece Wall Thermometer
5 piece Digital Room Thermometer
100 bxs Disposable Gloves (S) 50pairs/bx
100 bxs Disposable Gloves (M) 50pairs/bx
100 bxs Disposable Gloves (L) 50pairs/bx
50 rolls Cotton 400 grms
400 bots Isoprophyl Alcohol 70%
80 bxs Micropore 1inch 12/bx
50 rolls Gauze Roll 24x28

*Expiration of Reagents should be more than 2 years.
* Winning bidders must provide machines compatible with the above reagents stated
* Reagents with MACHINES and MONITORS should have certification stating that they have available
Engineers to maintain and calibrate said equipments as often as possible as needed
and calibration of machine used (owned by the Hospital).
* Presents Certificate of Product registration (CPR) from FDA.
* Presents Certificate of Product Validation from DOH-SACCL.
*Provide Machine with printer, AVR/UPS.
* Expiration of Reagents should be more than 2 years.
*Provide lamp, cuvette, probe cleanser and other consumables specific for the machine.
* The Supplier shall deliver the goods based on the needs of the user.
* The City Government (thru LAOAG CITY GENERAL HOSPITAL) commits to pay the SUPPLIER on a
QUARTERLY BASIS based on actual deliveries, accepted by the end user.

Line Items
Item No.Product/Service NameDescriptionQuantityUOMBudget (PHP)
1Gel AHG(Coomb's) 1x2410Box90,000.00
2Gel Complete Cross Match1x2435Box297,500.00
4Anti A Typing Sera10ml14Bottle8,400.00
5Anti B Typing Sera10ml14Bottle8,400.00
6Anti D (rH) Typing Sera10ml14Bottle9,100.00
7Arterial Bld Syringew/ Needle & Vacuum 1005Box33,500.00
8ABG Casette Test Kit(Calibrating Gas/Thermal Paper) 2515Pack198,000.00
9Electrolyte Control(Normal & Abnormal) 10ml6Set10,800.00
10Electrolyte Daily Cleaning Sol'n6x12ml3Bottle6,000.00
11Electrolyte Solution Pack800ml18Pack540,000.00
12Electrolyte Control (Bi-Level)10ml4Set40,000.00
13Electrolyte Thermal Paper18Roll720.00
14Electrolyte Filling Solution125ml1Bottle1,800.00
15Electrolyte Washing Solution50ml2Bottle1,800.00
16Electrolyte Sodium Electrode11Piece9,500.00
17Electrolyte Potassium Electrode12Piece19,000.00
18Electrolyte Membrane Assembly12Piece19,000.00
19Electrolyte Chloride Electrode12Piece19,000.00
20Electrolyte Sample Detector12Piece19,000.00
21Electrolyte Reference Electrode12Piece19,000.00
23Alkaline Phosphatase5x25ml/1x32ml1Set4,800.00
25Bilirubin Direct5x30ml/1x10ml2Set8,000.00
26Bilirubin Total5x30ml/1x10ml2Set8,000.00
39Blood Total Protein6x30ml2Set6,400.00
40Blood Triglyceride6x30ml7Set68,600.00
41Blood Urea Nitrogen5x25ml/1x32ml5Set35,000.00
42Blood Uric Acid3x30ml/3x30ml8Set52,800.00
43Calibrator Ref G5 ml3Set27,000.00
44Calibrator Ref E5 ml3Set27,000.00
45Calibrator HDL5 ml2Set18,000.00
46Control - Normal4x5ml3Set23,400.00
47Control - Pathologic4x5ml3Set25,200.00
48Glyco sylated Hemoglobin (HbA1C)1x5014Box322,000.00
49Glucose Strips50s (with Control250Box162,500.00
50Troponin-I(Qualitative) 2515Box52,500.00
51Troponin-T(Qualitative) 520Set49,900.00
52Glucose Tolerance Test Beverage(75 gm) 240ml300Bottle38,700.00
53Pregnancy Test - Serum2520Box17,500.00
54Pregnancy Test - Urine3010Box4,500.00
55Urine Container (Adult)13,000Piece7,500.00
56Stool Container12,000Piece4,000.00
57Urine Strip(4 parameters) 10010Bottle4,200.00
58Urine Strip(10 parameters) 100100Bottle85,000.00
59Pediatric Urine Collector2580Box36,000.00
60Fecal Occult Blood1002Box10,000.00
61Ethanol95% 4L2Bottle2,660.00
62FormaleneBuffered 10% 4L24Bottle10,560.00
63Papaniculao Stain(Complete) 500ml1Set5,500.00
64Hematology ReagentDiluent (1 box) Dill Lyse (2 box) LH Lyse (1 bottle)30Set1,500,000.00
65Probe Cleanser250ml3Bottle9,000.00
66Hematology control(L-N-H) set13Set286,000.00
67Hemocytometer1 pc4Piece16,000.00
68WBC pipette1 pc8Piece2,320.00
69Hematology Stain(Complete) 500ml8Set33,600.00
70Hematology diffferential counter5 keys pc2Piece14,000.00
71Calcium Chloride> APTT 10x15ml3Box38,400.00
72Citrol-1 E>PT/APTT 10x1ml2Box29,600.00
73Citrol-2 E>PT/APTT 10x1ml2Box29,600.00
74Owrens Veronal Buffer>PT/APTT 15ml2Bottle1,840.00
75Pathrombin-SL>APTT 10x5ml3Box109,200.00
76Standard Human Plasm>PT/APTT 1ml1Bottle2,090.00
77Thermal Paper(SYSMEX-Coag >PT/APTT 16Roll1,680.00
78Thromborel-S>PT 10x4ml2Box62,000.00
79Washing SolutionWashing Solution2Bottle2,800.00
80Anti-HBs(Rapid Test) 302Box6,600.00
81Anti-HCV(Rapid Test) 302Box9,000.00
82ASO Reagent(Latex) 10ml1Set2,100.00
83CRP Reagent(Latex)2Set4,200.00
84Chikungunya Test Kit(Rapid Test) 251Box8,000.00
85Dengue IgG-IgM(Rapid Test) 251Box3,345.00
86Dengue NS-1 Ag(Rapid Test) 255Box3,345.00
87HAV IgG/IgM(Rapid Test) 1010Box44,500.00
88HAV IgG/IgM(Rapid Test) 251Box5,000.00
89HBsAg Screening-Casette type(Rapid Test) 1005Box18,000.00
90HIV 1/2 Ab(Rapid Test) 305Box10,000.00
91H-pylori(Rapid Test) 201Box3,000.00
92Leptospira IgG/IgM(Rapid Test) 301Box6,800.00
93RF(Latex) 5ml1Set2,400.00
94Test for Syphillis(Rapid Test) 1005Box30,000.00
95Salmonella typhi - IgG/IgM (Rapid Test)25/bx1Box2,675.00
96Covid Antigen25/bx50Box312,500.00
97Gram Stain Set250ml/set1Set1,960.00
98Giemsa Stain250ml/set1Bottle1,960.00
99KOH 10% Solution250ml/set1Bottle320.00
100Acetic Acid500ml1Bottle425.00
101Benedict's solution500ml1Bottle425.00
102MET/THCOne Step Dual Drug Test Kit 25/box80Box80,000.00
103Blood Collecting Tube(BLUE) 1.8 ml 1004Pack2,600.00
104Blood Collecting Tube(GOLD)-PLASTIC 3ml 100125Pack81,250.00
105Blood Collecting Tube(VIOLET)-PLASTIC 3ml 100125Pack66,250.00
106Disposable Syringe-3cc/g23 100100Box110,050.00
107Disposable Syringe-5cc/g23 100100Box150,100.00
108Disposable Syringe-1cc/g23 1005Box6,000.00
109Frosted Slide72's40Box2,800.00
110Cotton tip applicator Stick10010Box1,800.00
111Applicator Stick100010Box2,000.00
112Microtainer tubes(Lavender top) 1002Box41,600.00
113Needle-g23 1002Box410.00
115Plastic Lancet-Super Fine( gauge 30) 20015Box4,500.00
116Plastic Lancet-Super Fine( gauge 21) 2003Box900.00
117Thin Cover Slip2008Box960.00
118Needle- gauge 25 100pcs/box8Box2,624.00
119Wall ThermometerWall Thermometer5Piece475.00
120Digital Room ThermometerDigital Room Thermometer5Piece910.00
121Disposable Gloves(S) 50pairs/bx100Box45,200.00
122Disposable Gloves(M) 50pairs/bx100Box45,200.00
123Disposable Gloves(L) 50pairs/bx100Box45,200.00
124Cotton400 grms50Roll16,550.00
125Isoprophyl Alcohol70%400Bottle38,000.00
126Micropore1inch 12/bx80Box79,360.00
127Gauze Roll24x2850Roll65,025.00
Pre-bid Conference
Date Time Venue
Other Information
Republic of the Philippines
Province of Ilocos Norte


The LAOAG CITY, through the Government Appropriation Act –20% Development Fund – Medical, Dental and Laboratory Supplies Expense intends to apply the sum of Six Million Five Hundred Ninety-Nine Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty-Nine Pesos and 00/100 Centavos (Php6,599,729.00) being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the Solicitation No. 2024-003R. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejected at bid opening. The LAOAG CITY now invites bids for the Supply and delivery of Laboratory Reagents for use of Laoag City General Hospital.

A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested Bidders on January 26 – February 16, 2024 from the address below and upon payment of a nonrefundable fee for the Bidding Documents in the amount of P10,000.00.

The LAOAG CITY will hold a Pre-Bid Conference on February 5, 2024, 3:00 PM at City Conference Room, City Hall Annex, Laoag City, which shall be open only to all interested parties who have purchased the Bidding Documents.

Bids must be delivered to the address below on or February 16, 2024, 3:00PM. All Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in any of the acceptable forms and in the amount stated in ITB. Bid opening shall be on February 16, 2024, 3:00 PM at City Conference Room, City Hall Annex, Laoag City. Bids will be opened in the presence of the Bidders’ representatives who choose to attend at the address below. Late bids shall not be accepted.

The LAOAG CITY reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, to annul the bidding process, and to reject all bids at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder or bidders.

For further information, please refer to:

BAC Secretariat Chairman
City Planning & Development Coordinator Office
Brgy. 10 A.G. Tupaz St., Laoag City
Tel. No. (077) 772-001; Local #: 207


City Agriculturist
BAC Chairman

Inclusion of additional requirements

Created by Rhonaline Joy B Agaran
Date Created 24/01/2024

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